Teaching Labs Staff
Staff in teaching labs have a variety of different roles, from looking after equipment to discussing theory with students during lab days. To distinguish between different roles, we operate a system of colour-coded lab coats, the details of which are given below. If you have a query and don't know who to ask, any member of staff will be happy to help and can signpost you towards the person who will best be able to assist.
Senior Demonstrators
Burgundy lab coats are worn by senior demonstrators. During lab days, there is always a dedicated senior demonstrator present in the lab. They oversee the running of the experiments and can answer any queries small or big about anything lab related. They will often be wondering around the lab chatting with students.
Red lab coats are worn by technicians. Technicians are responsible for preparing experiments and operational running of the lab. If you need assistance relating to chemicals, equipment or instrumentation, they can be found at the hatch or around the lab.
Blue lab coats are worn by demonstrators. Each lab group will be assigned a demonstrator to assist with your practical session. They can help with queries relating to techniques and/or data processing. Many are PhD students, so may have research areas where their specialised knowledge is incredibly helpful to share with undergraduates.
Green Chemistry Technicians
Green lab coats are worn by technicians from the Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence. The GCCE is located on the first floor of F-block, above teaching labs. You may see these technicians in and around teaching labs moving equipment or assisting project students.
Departmental Service Technicians
Black lab coats are worn by some technicians who run departmental analytical services. For example, some of the department's chromatography equipment is housed in the teaching labs instrument room and you may need to speak to a chromatography technician if your experiment or project includes this technique.
Other Academic Staff / Students
White lab coats are worn by all undergraduate students. However, other people in the lab may also be wearing white lab coats, such as postgraduate students who are not demonstrating, academic project supervisiors, or technicians from an area without dedicated coloured lab coats.