Vacuum Filtration

Buchner filtration

Photo showing the correct setup for a vacuum filtration with buchner funnel. A buchner flask is secured to the fume hood racking using a boss and clamp and it sat on the floor of the fume hood. A piece of vacuum tubing is connecting the sidearm of the buchner flask to the vacuum line. On top of the flask is a buchner ring and then buchner funnel.

Buchner filtration is a good technique where the isolation of the residue is desired. Buchner filtration make use of a filter paper which is placed over the bottom surface of the Buchner flask which contains a number of holes. The filter paper is sucked down onto the bottom surface of the funnel, with the filtrate passing through the filter paper and the residue being retained. However, it is common for small amounts of residue to pass into the filtrate, particularly around the edges of the filter paper. This imperfect removal of reside, means it is not a suitable method of filtration where collection of the filtrate is desired.


Buchner filtrations are carried out by fitting the funnel into a Buchner flask setup.

Diagram showing the correct setup for a vacuum filtration with buchner funnel. A buchner flask is secured to a clamp stand using a boss and clamp and it sat on the base of the stand. A piece of vacuum tubing is connecting the sidearm of the buchner flask to the vacuum line. On top of the flask is a buchner ring and buchner funnel containing a circle of filter paper.


These instructions assume a conical flask containing a suspension of material to be filtered. The instructions may need to be adapted for other setups.

At this stage, the filtration is usually followed by a brief 'drying over vaccuum' in order to remove residual solvent in the material.

Washing a precipitate over vacuum

Often when collecting a product via vacuum filtration, it is desirable to wash the collected material using a solvent. Washing the residue allows the removal of unwanted material, such as small amounts of the filtrate to be removed from the residue. Careful choice of the solvent is important to ensure that product is not lost through dissolving portions of the residue (see notes below).

In order to effectively wash a residue:

Drying material over vacuum

In order to effectively dry material over vacuum, it is nescessary to empty the collection flask of any solvent. As many of the solvents used in the lab are volatile, prolonged vacuum filtration would cause the flask contents to evaporate. This reduces the effectiveness of any attempts to dry the residue over vacuum.

Isolating the residue

The filter paper can be carefully lifted from the funnel using a spatula and placed onto a watch glass. Allow the paper to dry, before trying to transfer the solid from the paper to the watch glass, and break up to allow to dry. It is good practice to weigh the empty glassware prior to transfer. The mass of the watch glass and product can be periodically recorded, until a constant mass is obtained, which is usually a good indication that the material is now dry.

Common issues

Flask becoming full

When filtering, it is possible that the receiving flask could become filled, and would need emptying before continuing. With a Buchner flask, you should not let the solvent level go above the stem of the sinter funnel, or let the solvent level approach the side arm of the Buchner flask. If you are approaching either of these situations, stop the filtration, and transfer the filtrate contents before resuming the filtration.