
Kjeldahl Distillation

Photo showing the glassware setup for a kjeldahl distillation.

A Kjeldahl distillation is a method which may follow a Kjeldahl digestion as part of a quantitative analysis. It is most commonly used to determine the nitrogen content in a material, for example in the analysis of proteins or rubber. The method works by releasing a gas from the Kjeldahl flask and the gas is recaptured in the other side of the setup. For nitrogen determination, this is carried out through the addition of base to the Kjeldahl flask from the dropping funnel which would neutralise the acid in the Kjeldahl flask, releasing any captured nitrogen as ammonia gas. The gas is driven through the distillation kit with strong heating and is recaptured in acid by forming an ammonium salt. Having a known amount of acid in the flask where the ammonia is recaptured enables the ammonia content to be determined through titration, as the ammonia will have neutralised some of the acid.


As gas will be liberated and trapped in this procedure, it is important that the glassware is set up to be air tight. In order to achieve this, all ground-glass joints should be greased and securely clipped together using Keck clips. Additionally, when a Kjeldahl distillation is running, the system is essentially closed, as the delivery tube is below the level of the liquid in the conical flask. As a consequence, gas is released from the distillation in bursts, causing the glassware to 'bump' during the distillation. This makes it even more important to ensure that everything is very securely clamped when assembling the glassware.


The specifics for carrying out the distillation will depend on the reaction being carried out, and the procedure below will need to be adapted for the the specific reaction. The procedure below assumes an acid-digest with base being added to liberate ammonia gas.


The collected solution can be titrated to determine the remaining amount of acid in the flask and compared with the starting amount to determine how much gas was collected from the distillation. There are a number of options for carrying out the distillation: