Bruker Alpha II Platinum FTIR
Teaching Labs has six Bruker Alpha II InfraRed instruments. These can operate either with an ATR (Platinum Diamond-ATR QuickSnap Sampling Module) attachment, or in transmission mode.
Wavelength range
ATR: 4000 - 400 cm⁻¹
Transmission: 8000 - 350 cm⁻¹
Maximum resolution
0.75 cm⁻¹ using J-Stop cards
Wavenumber accuracy
< 0.05 cm⁻¹
Maximum path length (transmission)
30 cm
Solid samples
Please ask a technician to be shown how to record a sample.
Liquid samples
Please ask a technician to be shown how to record a sample.
Gas cells
Please ask a technician to be shown how to record a sample.
Liquid samples
Please ask a technician to be shown how to prepare and record a sample.
Nujol Mulls
Please ask a technician to be shown how to prepare and record a sample.
Disc Press
Please ask a technician to be shown how to prepare and record a sample.
Accessing data
Data is available in the IRB folders. The default filename is in the format pcname_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.
Data formats
Data is available in the following formats:
An autogenerated PDF spectrum printout.
Raw text format date of transmission and wavenumber values. Can be opened directly in Excel or other data manipulation packages.
The .dx files are an open format which can be opened directly into reprocessing software, including ACD/Spectrus.
The .0 file is the Bruker propriatory file format for the spectra which can be opened on the spectrometer PCs using Opus.