Safety in Teaching Labs
Lab Coats
Poly-cotton lab coats are provided to all students in their 1st year. These must not leave the lab.
Students will also be provided with a coloured draw-string bag with a corresponding peg number. When you leave the lab, you should place your lab coat into your bag and hang it on your peg. (most pegs can be found in the central corridor of teaching labs but some are in other locations around the outside of the lab - please speak to a technician if you can't find your peg)
If your lab coat becomes contaminated or torn at any point, bring it to the hatch and a technician will be able to swap it for a clean one.
Lab coats are professionally laundered each year during the summer vaccation period.
Safety Glasses
Safety glasses are compulsory in the teaching labs at all times, anyone failing to wear eye protection will be asked to leave immediately.
Safety glasses meeting EN166:2001 1F, which protect the eyes against splashes and light impact, are provided to all students in their 1st year. Students should bring these with them to all lab sessions.
Students may purchase their own prescription safety glasses if they prefer, but these must also meet EN166:2001 1F or higher.
The wearing of contact lenses in lab areas is strictly prohibited by the department.
Lost or Broken Safety Glasses
The lab technicians will arrange a temporary loan, on a day-to-day basis, for students who have forgotten to bring their safety glasses to a session.
Students should wait in the foyer after the laboratory is opened and notify the senior demonstrator.
A deposit of the student’s own University of York ID card will be required to ensure return of the loan pair at the end of the session. This will be securely kept in the Prep Room.
If a student has permanently lost or broken their safety glasses, a new replacement pair can be provided. Speak to a technician who will be able to assist.
Gloves must always be worn when there is a risk of hand contamination.
Care should be taken not to touch any part of your skin with contaminated gloves.
All gloves must be removed before leaving the lab.
For information about different types of gloves used in teaching labs please see the Teaching Labs Glove Policy (Google Doc)