Safety in Teaching Labs
Accident Response
Accidents and injuries are rare in the teaching labs, but it is important that you know where to find the help that you need, should something go wrong. Below there are details of safety features available around the lab - please familiarise yourself with their location during your first few lab sessions.
First Aid Boxes
There are 2 first aid boxes in the main lab, one by the main hand washing sinks and the other at the bottom end of the lab near the accessible toilet.
If you require the use of the first aid box, alert a technician who will be able to help you. There are designated first aiders in the technical team who have undertaken a first aid at work training course.
Behind the prep room there is a dedicated first aid room which can also be used if needed, including if you are feeling faint and would like to rest outside of the lab.
All injuries, no matter how small, must be reported to a technician so that they can be documented properly.
Emergency Eyewash Stations
There are 2 eyewash stations in the main lab, one by the main hand washing sinks and the other at the bottom end of the lab near the accessible toilet.
The eyewash stations are plumbed in and therefore can continuously run for the necessary amount of time, they are situated next to sinks to catch the runoff.
Any use of the eyewash stations must be reported to a technician to ensure the incident is properly documented.
Emergency Showers
There are 3 emergency showers in the main lab, one by the main hand washing sinks, one at the bottom end of the lab near the accessible toilet, and one outside the instrument room door.
The emergency showers can be operated by pulling hard on the handle hanging from the shower. The water will continue until the handle is replaced in the upright position.
Any use of the emergency shower should be immediately reported to a senior demonstrator or technician.