Safety in Teaching Labs
Fire and Fire Alarms
Fires are very rare in teaching labs, but it is important that everyone knows what to do in the unlikely event that something does go wrong. From time to time there may also be fire evacuation drills to ensure the building can safely be cleared if necessary.
If You Discover a Fire in Teaching Labs
Call for help immediately
Move away from the fire
Do not attempt to tackle the fire, a trained member of staff will
Follow the instructions of any members of staff
Be ready to evacuate the building if necessary
Report all fires
If the Fire Alarm Sounds
Leave the building promptly - in 2 minutes or less
If you can do so safely - close down your experiment, remove heat sources
Leave fume hoods and water cooling on
Go to the appropriate assembly point
Wait for further instructions
Evacuation Routes
From the Laboratory
If the fire alarm goes off during one of your lab sessions, you will be directed towards the nearest fire exit by a demonstrator or technician. There are 2 fire exits directly from the lab, one in lab A and the other at the bottom of lab E. The third fire exit is through the teaching labs foyer.
To the assembly Point
The assembly point for teaching labs is number 28, located between the chemistry department and Alcuin college. The below map shows the evacuation routes from each fire exit to the assembly point.