Assembling glassware

Clamping a reaction flask

The first part of clamping usually involves attaching the bosshead to the frame in a specific orientation. You should be able to see the screw tightening against the framing, unobscured by the metal groove.

Photo showing a boss being attached to the fume hood racking. The boss is orientated so that an inserted clamp would be supported from the underneath.

Likewise, the clamp sits on top of the metal groove, so it is supported from underneath should this loosen and fall.

Photo showing a clamp being inserted horizontally into a secured boss. The boss is orientated so that the clamp is supported from the underneath.

Glassware is clamped firmly around the neck or quickfit glass joint. The lip on the top of the neck should always exceed the clamp jaws, sitting slightly above this level.

Photo showing a round bottom flask being clamped to the fume hood racking using a boss and clamp. The boss and clamp are secured and the flask is held firmly in the jaws of the clamp by the ground glass joint.